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I need some help 2


Oct 29, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I'm new to the forum and to the world of accordions.
I recently found some working accordions for a decent price on a local market and wish to know more about them (brand, model, value, really anything you can tell me about it). I attached some pictures, feel free to ask more info if you need/want.

This beautiful red one, which has (in broken letters) "Royal Standars" and "Bel" or "Rel" on it. It's in very good condition, everything that is wrong is purely visual and other than missing straps and some wear an tear here and there, there really isn't much to complain abt it . All the keys and buttons still sound great and overall i'm very happy with it for what i paid for it.

red 1.jpgred 2.jpgred 3.jpgred 4.jpg

Kind regards
Your accordion here is from the late Soviet Bloc portion of East Germany. Vintage will be 1950's.
They were made with the badge names Weltmeister, World master & Royal Standard.
These era models were substandard compared to Italian & Hohner makes of the same period.
Your pic's show a model with low mileage and if not subject to hard usage should last you
for some time.
Welcome ToverStaf! This one definitely looks in better shape than the Hohner. If you get interested in accordions, I suggest taking the Hohner apart and trying to fix it, it can be fun. Anyway, good luck.
I believe the exact town is called Klingenthal, Germany.
Yes, Klingenthal and the actual manufacturer was Harmona which made these brands as well as the more famous Weltmeister brand. In its heyday it was quite a large company that occupied a substantial building. An interesting fact about Klingenthal is that there a number of other instruments made there such as brass, percussion and string instruments. They even have a nice musical instruments museum on the town square.
Yes, Klingenthal and the actual manufacturer was Harmona which made these brands as well as the more famous Weltmeister brand. In its heyday it was quite a large company that occupied a substantial building. An interesting fact about Klingenthal is that there a number of other instruments made there such as brass, percussion and string instruments. They even have a nice musical instruments museum on the town square.
... AND here are a few pics of it! :D
