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How do I deal with muscles knots on left arm, fingers and shoulders?


Active member
Feb 14, 2023
Reaction score
USA, Ilinois
Hello folks, I have a question for you all.

Is it normal to have several muscles knots on your left forearm and shoulder?

I noticed that my left arm has a lot of accumulated tension and I would like to find out if this is normal and maybe some recommendations about how to deal with them.

I am getting into yoga, weight lifting and soon swimming so I hope that helps.


Hello folks, I have a question for you all.

I noticed that my left arm has a lot of accumulated tension and I would like to find out if this is normal and maybe some recommendations about how to deal with them.

I am getting into yoga, weight lifting and soon swimming so I hope that helps.


I recently got something that is a) cheap (around 40 or 50 bucks) and b) unbelievable in how much it loosens your muscles. I think there are various kinds, but the one recommended to me is called Toloco EM26 Massage Gun. It really gets deep into your muscles. When I tried this on my boyfriend, who plays softball and gets sore muscles, he went nuts for it and ordered one for himself. I would recommend this for anyone who is dealing with sore/tense muscles. I found mine on Amazon.
Oh--and it has about 10 or 20 different attachments for almost every part of your body.