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Damaged or not viable accordion


Apr 11, 2023
Reaction score
Kings Lynn, UK
I have a yen to try making a street organ or organette based on accordion reed blocks and valves. Not a new concept, I've read of others experimenting with this. In order to have an initial play around I'm looking to get hold of a defunct instrument to recycle. The bellows, keys, bass buttons and cosmetic appearance are of no concern. I could buy something inexpensive on Ebay or FB Marketplace, but I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone in the PE30 area has anything of the kind that they want rid of.
I have a yen to try making a street organ or organette based on accordion reed blocks and valves. Not a new concept, I've read of others experimenting with this. In order to have an initial play around I'm looking to get hold of a defunct instrument to recycle. The bellows, keys, bass buttons and cosmetic appearance are of no concern. I could buy something inexpensive on Ebay or FB Marketplace, but I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone in the PE30 area has anything of the kind that they want rid of.
@Clairejen did you get something sorted out for this?
Have you put a request on Freecycle? I did and got 2 boxes - one in good order and one scrapper which had useable parts - worth an ask.