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Clacking keys - problem with my technique or my accordion?

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Well-known member
May 30, 2013
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Here is a short recording

As you hear my keys are clacking while Im playing :(

Is it a problem with my accordion? Felts under the keys and under the pallets are too stiff?

Or is it a problem with my playing technique? Should I more smoothly release keys or play louder?
I would look at the felt on the pallets first . If the clacking only applies to certain keys see if their pallets are different to others in respect of felt thickness etc.

Releasing keys quickly should not be a problem if felts are in good condition

If it is an older accordion then it probably is the felts more than your technique. You could always get a hold of another accordion that doesn't clack as much when someone else plays it and see what happens when you play it.

Although personally I didn't find the clacking in the recording to be too bothersome. I like a bit of mechanical noise with an acoustic instrument: The occasional squeak of a kick drum pedal, a bit of fret noise from an acoustic guitar, the creak of a piano bench... it lets you know you're listening to the real thing (or a well-programmed facsimile, at least!)
Hi Sarah;
Clicking keys can be caused from worn or hardened pads on your pallets or worn or hardened felts under the treble keyboard.
From what I hear on your sample - it sounds like the felts under the keyboard.
What make and model box do you have - PA or Button ????
Thank you for answers :)

Its a piano accordion made in 60s. Im not sure when it was serviced, but tuning, compression, wax, valves are OK. The only problem (?) is clacking keyboard or maybe its not an accordion problem, but my playing technique problem? :) Im not sure. Thats why I made this topic :)

I recorded a short video
Are these sounds normal or should I repleace felt? :)
A certain amount of noise is normal to have and I noticed from the second video that even with the mic (and camera) close to the accordion that it wasn't all that loud. No accordion is 100% quiet, and for a 60's accordion I would have to say that yours sounds, if anything, normal or even better than normal.

Yes, you can lessen the noise by playing with a softer touch, but really, you don't have to. Play normally and enjoy.

That's my 2 cents. :)
I would have to agree that the clacking is not really that noticeable, especially in the video. There is always a sound when you play the keys. If anything the felt under the keyboard seems to be where it is coming from like Jim said. You would have to remove the keys and replace it if it is just the white keys. If both black and white them the strip and the individual black key felts have to replaced. . I'm just not sure if it would make too much of a difference, and if its even necessary. I understand though sometimes if something bothers you enough you have to address it, otherwise you cannot play it without focusing on the "noise" and it distracts you.
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