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Changing the grill on Cordovox Super V


Nov 17, 2021
Reaction score
Streamwood, IL
Hello everyone. What is the easiest way to find a grill that fits first generation Cordovox super v after electronics are removed so it looks like a normal accordion?
Here's someone's idea of adapting the original grill after removing the electronics ?:
I would love a nice looking grill as well. Ive made a wood one that looks bad but it is a nice sounding accordion.
I’ve seen multiple Brazilian made ones that look like super 6 as well. I think there is a market for these because the super 4 cordovoxes sound so good acoustically and are made like tanks.
After I removed all the electronics and switches, I covered the hole with fiberglass perf board that is usually used for electronic circuit boards. You can get it with or without the copper coating and there are a couple of different hole sizes and spacing available. I sanded it lightly and spray painted the perf board with a couple coats of high gloss epoxy enamel. I was really happy with the way it came out. I used black silicon glue to hold it on the shell.