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For me, I am mostly happy any time I get with the accordion lately, but the real high happens when I nail that song *just* right. :)
,@JerryPH ...nothing to do with me ...got to blow a few hours this morning... nothing of value compared to the time I got listening to evocative players this evening...🙏
Who were you listening to Terry? I need me some of that! Been listening to Beegie Adair here lately.
Ahh, I see... got it! :)
Jerry, you're one of the lucky (for lucky read 'worked hard') guys who can 'nail' most tunes...I'm still a fumbler and find solace and hope imagining one day I'll be able to express emotions better.. because that's what I hear in the great players..
Who were you listening to Terry? I need me some of that! Been listening to Beegie Adair here lately.
I'm mostly listening to Chet Baker, Art Tatum, Reuben Wilson, Oscar Peterson...I'd not known of Beegie Adair..thanks for introducing her....if you like her check Blossom Dearie out too..great pianist with a wry wit..
This any good to you...
Jerry, you're one of the lucky (for lucky read 'worked hard') guys who can 'nail' most tunes...I'm still a fumbler and find solace and hope imagining one day I'll be able to express emotions better.. because that's what I hear in the great players..

I'm mostly listening to Chet Baker, Art Tatum, Reuben Wilson, Oscar Peterson...I'd not known of Beegie Adair..thanks for introducing her....if you like her check Blossom Dearie out too..great pianist with a wry wit..
This any good to you...
Thanks Terry! Good music going on. Will check this out.