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Accordion Noir Radio's Squeezebox Hip-Hop!

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2014
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Not a mix of styles often talked about on here... :)

Last night we broadcast Co-op Radio, that hosts us here in Vancouver. Also, it was a lot of fun. As one might expect, there was quite a lot of swearing involved, so be warned if that bothers you. And the sound wasnt always great, but it got the point across that the instrument can be used in all sorts of ways. Theres definitely some impressive modern music being made with accordions in Europe and Latin America especially. Listen and enjoy (or not, your call). :cool:

Link: https://accordionuprising.wordpress...2018-10-24-3-hours-of-accordion-hip-hop-noir/
Okay, Bruce, you got me hooked because the first cut you played is by The Coup. I’ve known Boots since he was 17, and my son has played keys on a lot of their records. Good work!
Some of these, as you know, aren’t technically hip-hop, but fine collection!
We had to stretch our definition to include "accordion tunes with rapping" which ended up letting in the Basque and Balkan numbers. You're right, we threw the net wide.

That's so cool that you know Boots! Didn't expect to get the insider-scoop on here. We should interview you about you being an accordion connection with them.
My son goes by his hip hop name of Mike Tiger on some of those albums. Boots talked to me about managers and the music biz when he was a kid. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even have an accordion then! What I can tell you about Boots is that he is one of the most community minded people I know, and a truly fine human.
Mike is all over the soundtrack for “Sorry to Bother You,” Boots Riley (of The Coup’s) hit movie. No accordion, though.
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