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Accordion masks

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2014
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I now have about three or four accordion masks. i haven't had the courage to go out and wear them yet-of course there is sadly plenty of opportunity to wear them
now anywhere in the world. I wore for years an accordion cap and I kept hoping a fellow accordionist would approach me and say,, I play the accordion too.
But either no one cared or no one in the city where I live gives a hoot about the accordion. I think it's the latter.
I approached a guy in supermarket here as he was wearing Django Rheinhart t-shirt... Been working on and off together for the last decade..
Pays to put yourself out there... ?
I traded my accordion hat to a fellow playerwho was wearing a different hat. But I still have my "best instrument ever" accordion t shirt and my accordion club t shirts and beer coozy. Good luck to uou with your masks and health Alan!
For some of the older accordions that I have restored a mask would have been helpful for the breath.....
i mostly just wear a small 36 bass antique HOhner everywhere i go
it is one of those cute grey cellulose finished mice with
a few rhinestones.. it plays German Music like Amboss Polka
amazingly well but it refuses to play any BeeGee's tunes

without it i am nearly invisible it seems

"oh you look familiar"

puts accordion on *

"oh yes, now i recognize you"
Stayin alive. Complimenti.
I need to stay alive so I can continue studying the accordion. Is there anything else to live for?
An existential question, probably above my pay grade, but I would say yes, I could think of a few. ?
Welcome Alans:

I've been reading this post and thought I'd reply to the comment " is there any thing else to live for" ?
Well your decision to learn the use of a musical instrument for your enjoyment and others is a venue that has values in itself.

Wish you the best of luck in your endeavor ,
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