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accordion bass strap

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how do i adjust an old style bass strap the type that goes around the outside
accordian post_id=52932 time=1512157673 user_id=2458 said:
how do i adjust an old style bass strap the type that goes around the outside

You need to be a bit clearer about what you mean. The bass strap always goes around the outside, no? Maybe a picture?
Normally there is a wheel to adjust the strap.
if it is a strap that is secured with screws, you have to unscrew it, cut it, then put the screws on a new position, and try it.
If you need it longer, i suggest you to make your own strap
Sebastian Bravo post_id=52944 time=1512195417 user_id=2512 said:
if it is a strap that is secured with screws, you have to unscrew it, cut it, then put the screws on a new position, and try it.
If you need it longer, i suggest you to make your own strap

ah i see
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