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South American jazz??

These folks are great!

If anyone's looking for more, "chamamé" is the music style. It's the "country music" of the gauchos in the (Northern) Argentine, Uraguayan, (Southern) Brazilian border region

These guys are exceptionally good at showing it off. Come to think of it, I've seen chamamé players doing bits where they play standing on their heads. It's definitely not one of the staid, serious genres where everybody waits to clap between movements.
Accordion Uprising,
Thanks very much for your insights into this genre!??
These guys are exceptionally good at showing it off. Come to think of it, I've seen chamamé players doing bits where they play standing on their heads. It's definitely not one of the staid, serious genres where everybody waits to clap between movements.

We could learn something from these cowboys.... Thanks
I have the sheet music for a few pieces. Mercididas and kilometre 11 or something. It's a difficult rythm to get your head around. I think it's 6/8 but with a twist.
Omg, those guys are crazy, thanks Dingo!