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New posts vs. Latest activity

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Aug 7, 2020
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
I'd like to find out how to use these two buttons, and the difference between them.

When I sign in, I'm at the page where New post shows right beneath the Forums at the top banner. Clicking on this, the New posts changes to Latest activity. If I were to click on that link, I consistently get this window warning:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
The news feed is currently disabled. This may be a temporary performance-saving measure if the site is very busy at present.

At this page, I seem to then be "locked up." Never able to re-establish the New posts link again.
I wonder if I am handling these two functions correctly or not. Thanks. ~Bob
What I've been doing is clicking 'New Posts' and then clicking on the 'Show only:Unread' below 1,2, Next.
That gives latest posts with ones you haven't read highlighted.
If I were to click on that link, I consistently get this window warning:
Don't click on it - it does nothing other than give you the error that you see.

"Latest Activity" is something that is disabled in this forum as there is no use for it - it's nothing to do with "New Posts" and has to do with features that are switched off. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to remove the menu item for it.

I've now found how to remove "Latest Activity" so it shouldn't show up again.
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