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Yet another youtube presentation of accordionitic brilliance.

A very creditable performance of a violin warhorse.

Detecting no major rearrangements the first time through, I listened a second time with the score open... and was impressed to find this is a bar for bar transcription of the original. No cuts, no changes at all to the solo violin part except for rewriting harmonics that would involve 2- or 3-octave leaps off the top of the keyboard in a few spots. 99% of the time the right hand is playing only the solo part (it covers a few notes of orchestral strings that overlap with the solo, and a few melody lines in tuttis - but there aren't many times where the orchestra plays without the soloist.) That leaves the left hand to do everything else - she had to make a lot of choices how to simplify when there are 2 or 3 different things going on in the accompaniment, but generally reasonable ones.