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Widi Master And Airturn Pedal Controlling FR1x Orchestrations

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THat's VERY cool, I could see that being a kind of foot style "chin switch"... lol. BTW, I think the organ slow and fast vibrato were both set to fast?
The organ on that particular setting was fast to slow even if you set it manually. I tried another organ sound and it was more prevalent.
The Fr1x only has 4 organ sets as in this snippet. You do not have the editing capabilities as in the later models. I used perc. In the video. Full sounds more distinctive. 53440592-7F5A-43FE-A683-3C877D5CD710.jpeg
The Fr1x only has 4 organ sets as in this snippet. You do not have the editing capabilities as in the later models. I used perc. In the video. Full sounds more distinctive.
I think you can add more organ sounds on the 1x using the Java editor program. Would entail modifying orchestra slots in one of the four user sets.
I think you can add more organ sounds on the 1x using the Java editor program. Would entail modifying orchestra slots in one of the four user sets.
The fr1x is very limited…the editor program is not as productive as in the FR4x/8x. Have the fr4x and this can be demonstrated as well.
Still sounds good and is an excellent idea! :)
In the long run of this idea, this could replace the fc300 or the Behringer pedal. The widi uhost and Widibud pro revolutionized the industry for direct pairing to the Airturn bt200 pedal. And added the needed sysex midi message on these widi products with just a switch…they were nice enough to send me prototypes to test this on the accordion before release. This is not over yet…Watch for new developments, now in test stage. As always, will keep you updated on new ideas.
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