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Roland Fr1x problem - bass button click when amped

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Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Barcelona, Spain
Hi All,
I've noticed that when I plug my FR1x through a sound table and into large speakers, the bass notes give off a 'click' sounds that I can't notice when I play it normally at home. I don't even have to push the bellows ie. I'm not actually playing the sound of the bass notes, just pressing down on lightly on the buttons and this click occurs. The drum feature is turned off. I'm trying to remember but I don't think it used to happen.
Has anybody with a digital accordion had this problem? Any suggestions or explanations as to why it is happening? I wonder if it's the accordion or some electronic crossover between instrument - lead cables - sound table - speakers? I'm not a sound tech.
See the manual page 46 and 47, there is a setting for bass button noise and free bass button noise, it can be switched off.
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