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Remastered Monkey Island 2 tune

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Active member
Mar 18, 2015
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Ive been doing some remastering on my Monkey Island 2 tune tha I recorded a couple of years ago. Ive been disappointed with the quality of that one so here is my new version! Please tell me what you think :)
Hahaha this is totally cool

Btw monkey island remastered suite is like 3 euros on PSN these days
Thanks a lot :p
You mean the Monkey Island Special Edition versions? :)
:D Yes exactly, although I believe these remakes themselves are already almost 10 years old
WHAT!??!?!?! I just checked and you're right. It came 2009. Woah!! What happened with the time?! It felt like it was released around 3-4 years ago? Now you made me depressed :p
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