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Play this ...

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It is possible if you throw a piano off a high building.
It is possible if you throw a piano off a high building.
Sure, it's possible, but it would take a good deal of effort.

Some smart-a**, by the way, once wrote the following:

Question: If an accordion and a set of bagpipes were dropped from the top of the Empire State Building at the same time, which one would land first?

Answer: Who cares?
A high building is not required. My 8th grade math teacher was fond of giving us worksheets where the answers to the problems told you which letters to fill in to complete a phrase. This may have been her sole redeeming quality. One of the featured attractions was "What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor."
A high building is not required. My 8th grade math teacher was fond of giving us worksheets where the answers to the problems told you which letters to fill in to complete a phrase. This may have been her sole redeeming quality. One of the featured attractions was "What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor."\

OK, so I started a thread that seems to elicit music jokes. Please allow me, then, to contribute one of my favorites:

An American goes on a safari to Kenya and Tanzania, and all he hears are drums, day and night drums -- it's driving him nuts. So he approaches the guide and asks, "What's with the drums?" The guide replies, "Oh! Drums good! When drums stop, that very, very bad."

The drums continue for a day or so more, and then abruptly stop. Now, our American is nervous. He tells the guide, "The drums stopped." The guide replies, "Yes, and that very, very bad." "Well," the American asks, "What happens next?"

"Next," says the guide, "bass solo!"
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