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Welcome Seamus!
Seamus states that his location is Scotland (county), which places him in North Carolina.

Scotland County, North Carolina: Population 36,157 ........ County Seat Laurinburg .......... Total Area 320 square miles.

Occupants take too little water in their whisky.
Wakefield is, however, in Rhode Island. He could be IP spoofing. I miss Seamus. ?
Hi Knobby,

Thank you very much for that. Perhaps Seamus is an MI5 or MI6 Officer, trying to infiltrate what he sees as a subversive organisation which uses accordions as a cover for espionage. Well ........ maybe not.

Hi Tom,

I think you will get over it.

Kind Regards,

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Whew ! Sorry guys......Just reading your comments and had to laugh.....First of all I live in Edinburgh Scotland ....How You have the details for the states is beyond me....
I will try to resolve this as soon as possible.......meanwhile may I wish everybody a merry Christmas.....To be continued.
Well Hi there - another Seamus here - this one from Glasgow Scotland!!
I currently play a Borsini ViennaK8 - 96 bass in a 72 chassis - mainly for Irish dancers and general folky enjoyment
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