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New accordion accompaniment

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Sweet... And better than some singers ive worked with too...
He's now duetting with Frankie!
I think you misread Milo's comments.... my greyhounds respond to the bagpipes in this manner, and it means: "Yes!!! You are playing the Song Of Our People!" Singing in dogs is a communal bonding exercise, so he obviously feels a close kinship with your new accordion ;)
Maybe Milo prefers concert tuning.
I had a military macaw who used to sing the scales in pitch when my son practiced piano. We got a bit frightened when he’d start a scale and she’d finish. I still have the scars on my arm from taking her off the Labrador retriever’s back. Took her to an aviary then. She particularly liked to sing along with Bonnie Raitt.
I had a military macaw who used to sing the scales in pitch when my son practiced piano. We got a bit frightened when he’d start a scale and she’d finish. I still have the scars on my arm from taking her off the Labrador retriever’s back. Took her to an aviary then. She particularly liked to sing along with Bonnie Raitt.

Was her favorite song "Something to Squawk About"?
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