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My brother stole my little PA! Hows this for a replacement?

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[thumbnail=center], i have lent my brother my little accordion which I take around with me, as my big ones are .. heavy!

As he seems to be enjoying it, I thought Id hunt down a replacement.

Here is a contender. I have to check action and tuning etc, and if alls ok I may buy it..

Does anyone have any info on the model? Its a hohner..
That's interesting. I take it it's a 40 bass? I'd say the main question is whether it has counter basses. I have a 32 bass Hohner IVM which is quite nice in its way, actually a bit smaller in depth than the well known 48 bass VM, BUT the basses are bass, major, minor and seventh - the obvious reason being that without counter basses they only have to supply 8 bass reed pairs. (Or maybe some people would rather have sevenths than counter basses......)
TomBR said:
Thats interesting. I take it its a 40 bass? Id say the main question is whether it has counter basses. I have a 32 bass Hohner IVM which is quite nice in its way, actually a bit smaller in depth than the well known 48 bass VM, BUT the basses are bass, major, minor and seventh - the obvious reason being that without counter basses they only have to supply 8 bass reed pairs. (Or maybe some people would rather have sevenths than counter basses......)

It has counterbass and maj, min, 7th i believe :) i couldnt do without a counterbass row!
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