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Jul 28, 2021
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SouthWestern Australia
This is played on by a highly accomplished lady from Czech Republic, Marcela Kysová-Halmová.

Any clues to its manufacturer?

Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 11.32.17 am.png

Now, does anyone have first hand knowledge of the Ballone Burini company, the quality of their instruments, the company's ethics and approachability?
There was a thread on Ballone Burini some time ago. Not many contributions (of historical knowledge) besides my own...
What I know is that Ballone Burini was known as a good brand (but in terms of desirability just below the likes of Bugari, Pigini, Scandalli, Beltuna, Victoria, etc.) and for the less than top budget Ballone Burini was always a very decent choice. But a few years something happened (of which only some people in Castelfidardo may know the details) and the company folded. Later two parts of the family tried to start a separate business, one of which is Fabio Ballone Burini (https://www.fbbaccordions.it/). Their accordions have a BB logo with the first B mirrored (and something in between the B's as well). The "original" Ballone Burini accordions, if they had a BB logo had just two B's, none of which mirrored.
I don't know whether any other branch than Fabio's exists to date.
The accordion in the pictures posted here are from a Fabio Ballone Burini, meaning this is a fairly recent instrument.