• If you haven't done so already, please add a location to your profile. This helps when people are trying to assist you, suggest resources, etc. Thanks
  • We're having a little contest, running until 15th May. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

Love this stuff !

Oooh la la..... If I were that accordionist I don't believe I would play with my eyes closed. Just sayin...
Years ago at our gigs, concerts and dances our paths crossed often a with talented tin whistle player. Her expertise ensured she was always in demand and the band would be used for backing. Standing at the front of the stage in front of the band she kept time to the music in the most beguiling manner. I think the band would have accepted reduced fees but I'm too late to persue that now. Happy Daze.