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Let Us Watch - another original

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jozz post_id=60866 time=1530862156 user_id=2600 said:
nice song!

perhaps give your vocal some more level

Some more tweeking on the mix is needed, I agree. I was using a different plug in. Seems to bring out the drums for some reason. Without it, drums more in background, interesting?
In the fiture, I would like to coordinate us accordion to add tracks to my music mixes.
This can be done with this link. Something I never tried.
That sometimes happens when using compression. I found that happening in my last video, I had to back down the compression a lot as the drums became a bit overpowering. Do you believe that this is what happened with you?
JerryPH post_id=60901 time=1530919642 user_id=1475 said:
That sometimes happens when using compression. I found that happening in my last video, I had to back down the compression a lot as the drums became a bit overpowering. Do you believe that this is what happened with you?

This was what came off directly from the arranger, factory mix.
I just put the arranger mix on one channel audio. The ideal situation is record each midi channel of the backing style. The arranger has EQ too which makes it more confusing.

I have a plug-in on the backing style called Bx_opto which is some kind of peak reduction unit. See pic of my settings. I have no idea what this does, just play with settings till I feel it sounds good, in learning stages. If I increase the peak reduction, somewhat improvement. But I do like the snap of the snare...!
With further study, feel the the vocal parts are not EQ’ d to blend in with the mix. Feel need to drop the high freq a bit? Or?
We may never go on agreement what is right or wrong, but nice to hear comments on this. I am not at all offended by any comments, right or wrong...thanks for input on this.


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You're a good man, Larry, I like how you set the example to share and take (or don't take) other's shared opinions. I will have to be more like that myself. :)

"I have a plug-in on the backing style called Bx_opto which is some kind of peak reduction unit."

That's almost the definition of compression... lol

In the end, we all hear differently and have different goals, so I say go with what sounds good to you. The one thing that I did fairly frequently in the past (and this is a bad habit) is to make countless adjustments and changes and get lost in the mixing process.

A new habit (and I feel is a good one) is to step away from the screen for an hour or two and come back to the mix. Coming back with fresh ears helps me a lot and finally the best thing that I have done lately, and I think this shows up nicely in my latest video, is using the KISS method.

Keeping it short and simple with clear goals defined before the mixing process starts, helped me make that video, literally in something like 3 hours start to finish. The audio end of this all took me no more than 20 minutes! After I made the music side, I took an hour off for something to eat, then litened to it once more... bumped up the accordion 1 DB then I exported it and dumped the audio in to the video editor, set up the dual cams as I liked and synced things up, and exported. I was done. This is a big difference over the entire weekends that I would spend on those 5 minute videos!

I like the way the workflow functioned all to my advantage, and I think that instead of just "winging it" as I did in the past, I had 3-4 clear goals and made sure I achieved each goal without searching or playing too long with any part of the process like EQ, reverb, compression, or whatever. This is going to be my new way of working in the future on the more important projects. :)

Quick question for you Larry... before you make any recording or video, do you kind of "produce" it in your head, knowing what you want to see and hear before you start? If so, do you write any of this down? Finally, how close does what you "see" in your head come to your final product?

JerryPH post_id=60918 time=1530978164 user_id=1475 said:
Youre a good man, Larry, I like how you set the example to share and take (or dont take) others shared opinions. I will have to be more like that myself. :)

I have a plug-in on the backing style called Bx_opto which is some kind of peak reduction unit.

Thats almost the definition of compression... lol

In the end, we all hear differently and have different goals, so I say go with what sounds good to you. The one thing that I did fairly frequently in the past (and this is a bad habit) is to make countless adjustments and changes and get lost in the mixing process.

A new habit (and I feel is a good one) is to step away from the screen for an hour or two and come back to the mix. Coming back with fresh ears helps me a lot and finally the best thing that I have done lately, and I think this shows up nicely in my latest video, is using the KISS method.

Keeping it short and simple with clear goals defined before the mixing process starts, helped me make that video, literally in something like 3 hours start to finish. The audio end of this all took me no more than 20 minutes! After I made the music side, I took an hour off for something to eat, then litened to it once more... bumped up the accordion 1 DB then I exported it and dumped the audio in to the video editor, set up the dual cams as I liked and synced things up, and exported. I was done. This is a big difference over the entire weekends that I would spend on those 5 minute videos!

I like the way the workflow functioned all to my advantage, and I think that instead of just winging it as I did in the past, I had 3-4 clear goals and made sure I achieved each goal without searching or playing too long with any part of the process like EQ, reverb, compression, or whatever. This is going to be my new way of working in the future on the more important projects. :)

Quick question for you Larry... before you make any recording or video, do you kind of produce it in your head, knowing what you want to see and hear before you start? If so, do you write any of this down? Finally, how close does what you see in your head come to your final product?


I just wrote another song last night. What I do is play different styles on the arranger. Kind of jam along until I find a melody I like. Next the bridge, then lyrics, then intro fill-in, which in my next song is unique. I record it on my built in MP3 recorder on arranger right away. Otherwise, will forget!
The main verse or melody is the core of the song...
I will share this new song soon...
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