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Leaving Social Media

Due to a personal issue, I will no longer be posting on Facebook or other social media. Cancelled my YouTube channel. Many of my videos I posted here are no longer available.
I will remain in this forum group. Thank you for listening.
Good because you are an inspiration (at least to me).
Due to a personal issue, I will no longer be posting on Facebook or other social media. Cancelled my YouTube channel. Many of my videos I posted here are no longer available.
I will remain in this forum group. Thank you for listening.
Whatever the issue is - all the best rectifying it.
Due to a personal issue, I will no longer be posting on Facebook or other social media. Cancelled my YouTube channel. Many of my videos I posted here are no longer available.
I always find it sad when a piece of helpful history disappears. I don't do Facebook myself but find Youtube useful: many other platforms are not accessible without creating an account for viewing videos.
I will remain in this forum group. Thank you for listening.
Take care. Hopefully this place stays usable for you.
I never use face book etc....its like the wild west!!with too many nutters !!
I always found your comments and Video's very informative and interesting . Good luck in what ever you decide to do .
Thanks for all the good tips !!
Hope all is best with you. I always think if I spent as much time practising my accordion as I do on social media I’d be far ahead from where I am now.
That is certainly true for many of us!
In terms of what I consider social media (that does not include this forum, Whatsapp, YouTube or email) the only one I have is Facebook. It is a great way to reach many accordion players to let them know I have new arrangements ready, and I also like the "accordion repair" (private) Facebook group to discuss repair issues. I have never tried other things like Instagram (probably rubbish) or Tiktok (certainly rubbish)... and I only briefly used Twitter over a decade ago when it was a new thing.
I guess that if I were to engage with more social media I wouldn't get any practicing done at all...
I see people talking about "Practicing." I'm new here....but I mostly just play....when I get a chance.
I would be very interested in resources or materials....or other members that can repair accordions. I have grown sons that are very handy....and I like puzzles. The only repair I've done was repadding on the right side of my old accordion. I replaced some worn out crumbly foam stuff with felt and leather to block the holes under the key pads.
I would be very interested in resources or materials....or other members that can repair accordions. I have grown sons that are very handy....and I like puzzles. The only repair I've done was repadding on the right side of my old accordion.

I've been slowly building up my skills - with help from the good folks here, and http://accordionrevival.com
Some of it has been out of my hands - I've had the bass buttons on two accordions jam in, and the bass strap on another broke. At first I found it very intimidating, but slowly I've been learning to do small repairs. I recently was given a 1930s accordion which needs a lot of work, but should be a good apprentice piece for me!
I've been slowly building up my skills - with help from the good folks here, and http://accordionrevival.com
Some of it has been out of my hands - I've had the bass buttons on two accordions jam in, and the bass strap on another broke. At first I found it very intimidating, but slowly I've been learning to do small repairs. I recently was given a 1930s accordion which needs a lot of work, but should be a good apprentice piece for me!
We have a bunch of accordions, like probably 10. One is a very nice Soprani. One is a Lux fish (or something like that) a bunch are old (including the original 12 bass I got in 1980)

Playing is what I've always done, as I was a very introverted and reserved teen. Music was an emotional expression of so many things I couldn't talk about. I always felt music and animals (horses and goats) kept me sane through my growing up....with faith being the foundation.
I love playing hymns as the a cordon is well suited to it. Like polkas and schmoozy old love songs too....and popular music from my parents generation. (I'm 50)
I got lessons from a man named Don Comfort who was a God-send of a teacher for me, and have some amazing arrangements of his in sheet music if anyone is interested.
I'm a very busy wife and mom....(I won't be living here) who intends to stick around and participate for a long time.

Thanks for the reply Rosie!
Due to a personal issue, I will no longer be posting on Facebook or other social media.
oh yeah. Social media is like fire. Fire is a good servant, but an evil master. Fire can warm people, but it can also burn them. It seems that the second mentioned experience happened to you. Nevertheless, I wish you to at least stick with us here on this forum. We don't see or hear each other in person, but I still have a wonderful feeling that I, a person from Central Europe, can communicate with people from the UK, USA or Australia, who have the same love for music and the accordion.

I wish you all the best and good health.

Best regards, Vladimir