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I broke one of my accordions.

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You guys know that I used to play a Chinese Stella, and then moved to a Hohner Arietta.

Well, my niece played my Hohner a bit and expressed an interest in the instrument, so today I decided to take Stella down out of the attic for her, for Christmas.

So I was putting it back in it's box, and in the process, one of the piano keys snagged the inside of the box and popped up. In trying to fix it, I managed to completely remove it from whatever it was sitting on, PLUS unhook the spring. So now, I'm left with a busted box and a disappointed niece.

Is there any way I can fix this myself?
If thats all the wrong with it its not likely tocost much to get it repaired.
I hope not.

My teacher's father (a world class accordionist) might be able to fix it, so here's hoping.

And let me tell you, I'm SO glad it wasn't my Hohner.
Tiogair, your Hohner probably wouldn't break so easily! The Stellas are very poor build quality, hence the nice price.
I think the Stella was made in east germany but I would need a pic to tell.
To be honest it is just as easy to hook a key on a cheap instrument as a good one. It has a lot to do with how it was made. Overhanging style keys are easy to hook. I just did it to a Pancordion when my wedding ring snagged the key when I was moving it. It is best to remove the accordion from the case by lifting it from the bass end and pulling it out, and replacing it in reverse by putting the keyboard in first, and then setting in the bass.
Kimric, there are two types of Stella - the Weltmeister Stella is East German; the just Stella is Chinese and the cheapest starter accordion on the market. I had one of the latter as my first box, just so I could try out accordion playing with too much expense. Sold it at a profit a year later!
You broke one key...you're lucky !!! Every time I pick one of mine up and use it, it sounds like I broke the whole thing....... :ch
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