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How far out is "out of tune"?

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Staff member
Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Derbyshire, UK
If you were checking your accordion tuning with, let's say, a tuning app on your phone at what point (i.e. how many cents out) would you consider that particular note to be out of tune?
I think the general guide is 5 cents can be heard so tune to 2 or 3.
Some people can hear better than that (Paul), and it depends on frequency I seem to remember.
the tuning app in my HEAD tells me immediately when some note or combination
of notes are out of tune

then, when i have time (or immediately if it is really annoyingly out of tune)
i fire up a Tuning Machine (i have several, and usually tune with two running)
and check those reeds, then mark the results on paper, then try to spot tune
them into compliance (conservatively making changes in pitch, then testing
that with my In Head App, repeat as needed

i prefer stand alone tuners because, if you think about it, as nice as Apps are, they
are also fully dependant on the Physical machines they are built into, and the
software being run must interface with your Ram and CPU through the app

i have more confidence in the Microphones built into dedicated tuners,
which also typically have the Program in ROM for faster access, as well as
the simpler OS used in a dedicated device (which is blind to distractions
as compared to a smartphone which is also checking your Messages at the same time)

out of tune is in the ear of the beholder, not in the app...

is it too early to add "Happy New Year to everyone"
Out of tune.... It's the note in the melody that seems to bounce all round the room and never resolves.... All my accordions seem to have one.... Pah...
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