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His fingers never leave his hands?

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I'm very glad my fingers als never leave my hands. I don't know how well they would reattach.
Fantastic playing. Too bad we don't get to see the player's face (head). I see that more and more: people posting videos where you only see their hands play on the accordion and you don't see who they are.
To me the interesting thing is that despite its appearance and sound this is a B system instrument. And while his fingers are whizzing about all over the shop his right thumb is just along for the ride.
IMO, a live testament to the effectiveness of button accordions, irrespective of B or C... that same tune on a piano accordion is a lot harder and covers a lot more real estate... lol

It can even be done on both right *and* left handed:

Thanks for sharing the clips!??
After viewing the second one, no one needs to worry about a rattling keyboard ?
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