You have the Verdi, not a VN. Verdi, along with the Tango, were the accordion work horses of the Hohner accordion line. They were made to be affordable, sound good and be reliable. These models were roughly middle of the pack in the Hohner line up, not the best, not the worst.
Your model is a 4/4 model that is musette tuned.
Sadly I see signs of rust on the outside, and if there is rust outside, there is a good chance that there is even more rust on the inside. Nothing kills an accordion faster than humidity that can cause rust to this level. Pictures of the inside would prove or deny this fact, but if there is rust inside we may be looking at levels of work that exceed the value of the accordion.
One thing that I don't understand is that the register design and words upside down, meaning that they are showing wrong way up when the accordionist is playing. Also I see the bassoon and clarinet reed registers repeating. Not sure if that is original or not.
Nice box, but the real story is on the inside.