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Help Identifying Accordion

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Nov 11, 2019
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Hi all-

I'm in need of help identifying this accordion! I inherited this when my father passed 20 years ago, and the nameplate on the front of it fell off when I was a child. The only identifying mark is a sticker on the back saying "Made in Italy". It's still in great playable condition and I would love to know what it is. Thanks in advance for any leads!

From the grill I'm guessing a Crown accordion. Looks like it has a grill mute on and off, and if the switches don't repeat maybe 4 reed blocks on the treble side. I cant make out the switches. I believe these were sold out of Chicago. I am not familiar with these, but I'm sure someone here will.
nagant27 said:
From the grill I'm guessing a Crown accordion.  Looks like it has a grill mute on and off, and if the switches don't repeat maybe 4 reed blocks on the treble side.  I cant make out the switches.  I believe these were sold out of Chicago.  I am not familiar with these, but I'm sure someone here will.

Thanks for the answer-  From the remaining glue from the nameplate it sure looks like it could be a "C", but there's very little left.   :-/
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