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For all you bayanists ?

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One of my favorite bayan pieces !
The basic theme of the tune is simple, but the Viktor Gridin solo arrangement is incredibly difficult to play.

I have the sheet music at home.
It's also online for free in pdf here:

I like this interpretation very much, a lot of finesse in his playing:
В. Гридин - обработка укр.нар. песни "Ехал казак за Дунай". Исполняет Пётр ЯРИНЕНКО

Easy ukulele pdf arrangement of the theme of this tune:
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I also have the Yuri Kazakov bayan sheet music book at home.
In it is the arrangement by Kazakov of this Ukrainian folk tune. Kazakov called it the Minka Variations. This is the music piece in the video clip you posted.

In case one of our members wants to study this piece, this green sheet music book is available in the webshop at yurykazakov.com

This website is devoted to the memory of Yuri Kazakov. Texts are in English also.
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