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Cool Accordion Girls


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Apr 17, 2018
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London UK
I was perusing youtube to find a range of links to show some friends that the accordion isn't just stuff from the 50's.

OK, boring so far, but I found a compilation video from Jo Brunenberg called "Cool Accordion Girls"

It's really quite fun and the description section lists the original videos.  Cheered me up nicely on a Sunday morning.

I only recognised one of them: Ksenija Sidorova
Cheers, nice version of Dark Eyes.
And a left handed accordion at 0:19.

There's a version in 'Easy' Accordion Solos, I'll put it on the list :)
Hello Glug,

Very, very nice ........ and the music was okay. My personal favourite was the "Bunny Girl", but I have completely forgotten what she was playing.

Kind Regards,

Thanks. Very wide range, including the traditional T&A, which probably won't make ANYONE want to play the accordion, but may bring some wanted or unwanted attention to the accordionists.
Thank you for sharing. I now understand the meaning of kitsch!
We had a programme in the UK called Eurotrash a decade ago, I think these videos would have featured well!
Don't be too hard on them...it takes all kinds to make a world: the profane as well as the sacred!😀
I won't show the video to any of my female friends! It's not on musical grounds, just the visual genre belongs on the kitsch side!