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Are people on this forum familiar with Jularbo?

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I saw pictures of him for sale on eBay and searched him to see who he was. Before that I was unfamiliar with him. I’m from the USA by the way.
I saw pictures of him for sale on eBay and searched him to see who he was. Before that I was unfamiliar with him. I’m from the USA by the way.
There is an American version of LIvet i Finnskogarna. I disslike when tehy called it a Norwegian tune. We do not know from what country it originates.
The Swedish version:
Yes, indeed, he's a Scandinavian legend!
I've posted several YouTube clips of him in the "I like that " section ?

Well I never!
I'm quite familiar with both "Mocking bird hill" and the Jularbo version but, somehow, never connected the two with each other: how about that???

Thanks ??
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