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AI generated folk tunes

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Nov 7, 2017
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The Netherlands
Came across something interesting over at the Session:


Machine generated music, its the future... {} this is part of research of the royal institute of technology in Stockholm.

Subject is being discussed there at https://thesession.org/discussions/42712 where they used it as a base for a folk album, also part of the research of dr. Bob Sturm.
That’s an interesting one to play with. I wonder if it can create a bass line in the future. Maybe extend to other styles.
I've seen some videos of people using similar neural networks to train on Baroque music, but that's a slightly more complicated problem space.
I implemented a similar project myself a couple of years ago. It went quite shit, but at least you could take inspiration of some of the parts for making a good melody. But what's the point with automated art. That means nothing to anyone :p
I tend to agree with you on principal, but what if it passes a "turing" test eventually?

Besides that, I welcome any musical AI that can speed up certain routine tasks, like transcribing, coming up with fills or accompaniment for quick projects. Often I will fall back on patterns, although my own, they are similar to eachother after a while.
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