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Advice on On-line Basic Tuition for 5 Row CBA

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Hi Chat Is the maugin book for the B system? - the picture on the cover looks like a B system.

The Galliano is for C system and so probably would not be a help to you if you play a B

I'm new to all of this but I have just purchased a Roland FXR1B, as far as I am aware I am setup for the C-Griff Europe setting which i believe is the C system you refer to. Certainly the notes correspond to the CDEFG on the C-Griff Europe table. I agree, I can't make sense of the picture on the front although I have one or two "greatest classical guitar tunes of all time" books with acoustic steel string guitars on the front. I've found the book I have is really good and have no complaints but just wondered what more the Galliano had to offer. This is also in French.

Chat H
The number of CBA accordion teachers in the UK is growing. In complement to online basic tuition, one could also pay a visit to a CBA accordion teacher and ask advice.
There are now a few CBA accordion teachers in cities like London, Manchester (Craig Bradley) and going north to Edinburgh (Paul Chamberlain).

In a few years other accordion students will graduate from conservatories, and the number of accordion teachers residing in the UK will rise.
The Galliano book has excellent C system fingering.

If in fact your book is for B system it will not help with C system fingering. If it is set up for C system fingering, if you like the book you should probably stick to it - no use muddling things up with too much info.

The Galliano, although in French, has minimal text, and fairly easy to figure out, even by a non french speaker.
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