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Accordion For (Gypsy) Jazz

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Sep 30, 2020
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hey all,

I'm a jazz pianist and I'm interested in getting an accordion to play in a gypsy jazz context. I've tried a Hohner Bravo 111 and a Hohner Concerto 111 so far. any recommendations?
Ideally you'll be looking for an accordion with a bassoon reed in a cassotto chamber.... Or at least a sweet round sounding bassoon tone.
Most gypsy jazz stylists don't use the tremelo sound of two or more reeds in unison but if they did you could be pretty sure the box has a tight 'americian' tuning running at about 7 cents... (as opposed to a baggy french or scottish tuning of 15cents or more)
Hope that helps
As Terry said, you've initially got quite a wide choice as your key sound will be two reed sets an octave apart, one middle, one low. It would be nice to have the low set in cassotto/tone chamber but it's not crucial. More sets of middle reeds could be just a waste of weight and money!
Given that you're in Birmingham why not have a chat with Nigel at Fair Deal Accordions.
Good luck with finding what you want.
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