I shouldn't have posted that here as he has a lot of great songs which are worth listening too also! Im currently having a go at this
There is nothing wrong with you having posted. There are plenty of experienced accordionists that are ready and willing to applaud good works or to help you blow away the smoke for you.
For the performance above, we again have a few things to learn... not to criticize, but even as a novice he should have corrected these couple of things earlier, ESPECIALLY if you want to eventually play fast:
- that right elbow has to be higher or even with the keyboard. A bent wrist means tendons are bent and constricted, big reason for a slow down. When I play with a bent wrist, I play about 50% slower at maximum speeds and I get tired much faster... that's huge.
- In this video, those shoulder straps are WAY too loose. It promotes looking down and you have a lot less control of the accordion. To know when you have it close to right, you should be able to have zero weight on the shoulders with a slight bend forward and a slight bend back, the full weight is on the shoulders. That means that I can play relaxed and when I need to do a bellows shake or aggressive bellows motion, a slight lean back and I have full control
Speed is like being able to lift a heavy weight. You should be practicing exercises daily, starting with lower speeds and adding small bits of speed until you cannot play cleanly, at which point you lower the speed a LITTLE, focus there until it becomes easy then again add. If you want to really grow fast, you do 15-30 minutes a day of nothing but Hanon with a metronome, when you hit the current limit of how fast you can CLEANLY play a complete exercise, then do that speed for 10 repetitions or until of you want to grow faster, keep going until fatigue failure.
When I was a younger man, I pushed to complete finger failure daily on both hands and today now in my mid 60s there is a difference than if I hadn't done that. Speaking of age... yeah, it's a thing. The older you are, the slower you get (but you WILL still play faster than if you don't push yourself!). I cannot play anywhere near as fast as I could when I was younger. Crappy feeling, but thats life.