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  • We're having a little contest, running until 15th May. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

2024 Market Goals

Wow, April is slip sliding away as they say. I’ve got the 40 tunes picked out and organized in one book. Finished the final arrangement yesterday, (Pennsyltucky Polka 😉, chords an mix of Shelia Lee and Dale Mathis), picked keys for medley tunes. Will be a challenge to have them all memorized by May but I will be able to play through them with the sheets. A little over a month to go.

Discovered a good way to go is to set the timer for 10 minutes and play repeatedly through a tune, reading at the speed possible, concentrating. When done, finish out the tune and move on to the next for 10 minutes. Short enough time to not get bored, but to discover where I am with the tune, and problem spots. Time now to think about organizing publicity and strengthening core, arms and back. At a certain age, holding and playing for 3 - 4 hours (with breaks) is not a given. 😥